Lil Blessings

Lil Blessings
It is impossible to keep a straight face in the presence of one or more kittens. ~Cynthia E. Varnado

Saturday, April 29, 2017

I recently dropped by at a pet shop.

Behind the shop, there is an area allocated for Cat Boarding. I went around to visit the cats and played with few.

They were excited when there are visitors, few cats were calling out softly and few were more vocal, louder meowwwwww. When spending sometime with a cat, others will be calling out, wanting the same attention.

Unfortunately, all the cats are in cages.

The shop owner, confidently told me that his boarding charges are the cheapest.

Being curious, I asked about the fee.

Pet shop owner said ; it's the cheapest that you can find, it's only RM 30.00.

Very sweet and gentle but somehow, there is sadness felt :(

Thinking to myself, I am also charging RM30.00 but it's cage free and with big room to a cat. When my 2 rooms are taken, I do not take in any cats because I do not mix them unless they are from the same family.

I am glad that I am able to share and extend my living space, using 2 extra rooms as boarding. It steams from being a cat/dog lover myself.

Boarding from Home, it's been a pleasure thus far ☺☺☺