Lil Blessings

Lil Blessings
It is impossible to keep a straight face in the presence of one or more kittens. ~Cynthia E. Varnado

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Cat Boarding since 2010

How quickly time went by . 
7 years ago, I had the idea of using my spare rooms for cat boarding. 

Since 2010, I have met many wonderful & loving pet owners, including their beautiful cat/s.
Each cat have their unique distinctive personality and I have not encountered a similar personality type of cat.

So, it is accurate to say ; "If you meet 1 cat, you have only met 1 cat" :D 

Through out the years, many returned and became regular boarders. Clients met for the 1st time, eventually turned friends. 

I have clients that would check with me on my boarding schedule/availability before they plan their holidays. If there is no availability, they would reschedule in order to secure a space for their beloved pet/s.

I am in awe meeting such pet owner/s. How blessed are their pets, to be considered and included as a family? That their comfort, safety and needs are priorities too.

I also noticed I have not updated this blog for a long while. Years passed by so swiftly & the return visits so often, that I have forgotten I have a blog dedicated to Cats Boarding. 

The cats pictures shared here are purely compilation of fond memories, permission granted by their owners. Wished I had taken more pictures from the past recent years especially those cats/clients/owners that have left KL, relocated in another country. 

Till the next gorgeous cat pics ;) 

This is Mont Blanc', my white senior cat. There is a Malay proverb that says "malu malu kuching", meaning, "shy like a cat".

This is my youngest, Kleo. I was calling out for him and he answered me from the washer drum. His current favorite sleeping place, haha.