Lil Blessings

Lil Blessings
It is impossible to keep a straight face in the presence of one or more kittens. ~Cynthia E. Varnado

Tuesday, September 05, 2017


While living in Kuala Lumpur, my husband and I had a very busy and sometimes unpredictable travel schedule. When we've got a kitten this became an issue because I wasn't ready to leave her locked in a cage for a week, like most of the pet hotels do.

Marie Anne became our savior. Elsa (our kitten) was running free in the big room, she was taken care of, so we could travel with the peace in mind. Couple of times Marie Anne took Elsa on a very short notice, for what I am still very grateful.

Thank you Marie Anne for all your help!

Julia (Ukraine)

Saturday, April 29, 2017

I recently dropped by at a pet shop.

Behind the shop, there is an area allocated for Cat Boarding. I went around to visit the cats and played with few.

They were excited when there are visitors, few cats were calling out softly and few were more vocal, louder meowwwwww. When spending sometime with a cat, others will be calling out, wanting the same attention.

Unfortunately, all the cats are in cages.

The shop owner, confidently told me that his boarding charges are the cheapest.

Being curious, I asked about the fee.

Pet shop owner said ; it's the cheapest that you can find, it's only RM 30.00.

Very sweet and gentle but somehow, there is sadness felt :(

Thinking to myself, I am also charging RM30.00 but it's cage free and with big room to a cat. When my 2 rooms are taken, I do not take in any cats because I do not mix them unless they are from the same family.

I am glad that I am able to share and extend my living space, using 2 extra rooms as boarding. It steams from being a cat/dog lover myself.

Boarding from Home, it's been a pleasure thus far ☺☺☺

Cat Boarding since 2010

How quickly time went by . 
7 years ago, I had the idea of using my spare rooms for cat boarding. 

Since 2010, I have met many wonderful & loving pet owners, including their beautiful cat/s.
Each cat have their unique distinctive personality and I have not encountered a similar personality type of cat.

So, it is accurate to say ; "If you meet 1 cat, you have only met 1 cat" :D 

Through out the years, many returned and became regular boarders. Clients met for the 1st time, eventually turned friends. 

I have clients that would check with me on my boarding schedule/availability before they plan their holidays. If there is no availability, they would reschedule in order to secure a space for their beloved pet/s.

I am in awe meeting such pet owner/s. How blessed are their pets, to be considered and included as a family? That their comfort, safety and needs are priorities too.

I also noticed I have not updated this blog for a long while. Years passed by so swiftly & the return visits so often, that I have forgotten I have a blog dedicated to Cats Boarding. 

The cats pictures shared here are purely compilation of fond memories, permission granted by their owners. Wished I had taken more pictures from the past recent years especially those cats/clients/owners that have left KL, relocated in another country. 

Till the next gorgeous cat pics ;) 

This is Mont Blanc', my white senior cat. There is a Malay proverb that says "malu malu kuching", meaning, "shy like a cat".

This is my youngest, Kleo. I was calling out for him and he answered me from the washer drum. His current favorite sleeping place, haha.

Current Guest since Dec 2016

Awaiting to be relocated to another country. 4 cats in a family. 
I am already missing them before they are gone. 

Monday, December 26, 2016

Friday, September 12, 2014


"When one animal lover meets another, it is like meeting an old friend”.

Marie-Anne is one such a person. You will feel more than happy to leave your fur-baby in her very capable hands! 

Marie-Anne herself is a warm and friendly person who communicates clearly and promptly and takes time to acquaint herself with you and your pet.

The room where she houses her 4 legged boarders is clean and comfortable with a variety of nooks and crannies that my kitten, Ball instantly set off to explore. Needless to say, Ball felt right at home! 

Thank you very much for looking after my little kitten so well!
(Amy Minyi Lim)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Rambo & BuBu

This is our first time of leaving the cats for boarding since we bought them from the cattery. Looking for boarding center is not easy since it was a last minute plan for Raya celebration in Sabah. I must say that I am quite particular about letting my furballs to be taken care of by others, but I have no choice. I rang few numbers and I met Marie-Anne. We are really impressed with the place, I know that Rambo and Bubu will feel safe and comfortable. I believed none of your care taker out there would ask for a shirt from you except Marie-Anne! It is for the 'kids' so that they can smell us even we are away for weeks. Awww... I'm touched.... 

Dearest Marie-Anne, I do appreciate your kind hospitality to the 'kids', thank you for being patient, thank you for your effort of making them feel safe and comfortable. Thank you again for ensuring the cats left in your care are returned back to us healthy and happy.

We highly recommend this place for everybody!!! Keep up the good work!!!

P/S: We have 5 kids waiting to be boarded soon....vacay needed for daddy & mummy hehehehe...

Eddy & Anne,
Rambo & BuBu

Rambo, the Regal Bengal

BuBu, the British Shorthair. Very affectionate , gentle & loving <3

Caring for them is such a Joy & Fun. 
I missed them even before Eddy & Anne collected them.
Looking forward to seeing you guys soon, together with the 3 additions :)

Talking Rabbits

Mixed Lion Head and Lop eared, with a big dollop of Angora........follows Mum side

 After taking care of them for 3 weeks, we have developed a special bond. 

This cheeky Nicky will play & chase the broom when i sweep the floor. She speaks a unique language too & I pretended to understand, lol

Mixed breed - Lion head and Lop eared with a wee touch of Angora......but follows dad's more Lion Head

Mont Blanc' & Kleo

"One cat just leads to another."-- Ernest Hemingway

Kleo was born in my bedroom. 
His mummy was very pregnant when I met her. 
Brought her home & nursed her until the kittens were born.  
I was mid-wife to 5 healthy kittens :)
4 kittens adopted by my friends. 
I kept Kleo.

 Mont Blanc' is the white cat. Abandon in a box, more than 10 years ago when he was a kitten. Today, his size is bigger than a smaller breed dog. There is Persian traces in him.

Chester the adorable visitor

Testimony from Chester's owner (Miss Wei Hee) : 
Chester had a great time playing with you & running around the compound. Although boarding for 1 night, I believed he enjoyed it very much. Thanks for taking such good care of him and make him feel comfortable especially being away from home. Also, thanks for the wonderful & cute pictures of Chester. Great Memoirs!! 

"In a perfect world, every dog would have a home and every home would have a dog."

A Kitten

A Kitten
by Eleanor Farjeon

He's nothing much but fur
And two round eyes of blue,
He has a giant purr
And a midget mew.
He darts and pats the air,
He starts and cocks his ear,

When there is nothing there
For him to see and hear.
He runs around in rings,
But why we cannot tell;
With sideways leaps he springs
At things invisible -
Then half-way through a leap
His startled eyeballs close,
And he drops off to sleep With one paw on his nose.